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Dr Emily Matheson's Outputs (13)

The co-creation, initial piloting, and protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of a coach-led positive body image intervention for girls in sport (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Globally, girls disengage from sports at an earlier age and higher rate than boys. This is, in part, due to the unique body image challenges that girls face, relative to their male peers. Existing intervention efforts that aim to reduce g... Read More about The co-creation, initial piloting, and protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of a coach-led positive body image intervention for girls in sport.

How can we help you? A global investigation into girls’ body image experiences in sport and intervention preferences (2023)
Journal Article

Existing interventions that target the intersection of girls’ body image and sports participation are marginally effective, which is, in part, due to methodological limitations pertaining to intervention development (i.e., not theoretically or stakeh... Read More about How can we help you? A global investigation into girls’ body image experiences in sport and intervention preferences.

A six-country study of coaches’ perspectives of girls’ body image concerns in sport and intervention preferences: Template analysis of survey and focus group data (2023)
Journal Article

Coaches are a key influence of athletes’ body image, but often feel ill-equipped to address body image concerns and can perpetuate harmful body ideals. Limited research has investigated coaches’ attitudes and opinions and few effective resources are... Read More about A six-country study of coaches’ perspectives of girls’ body image concerns in sport and intervention preferences: Template analysis of survey and focus group data.

“They are men, they will be looking even if you put on pants or a sweatshirt”: Girl athletes' and coaches' experiences of body image in Mexico City sport settings (2023)
Journal Article

Body image concerns are a barrier for girls’ participation in sports. Scarce evidence from Mexico suggests adolescents experience high levels of body dissatisfaction, and national statistics report low levels of physical activity among girls. This st... Read More about “They are men, they will be looking even if you put on pants or a sweatshirt”: Girl athletes' and coaches' experiences of body image in Mexico City sport settings.

Body confident coaching: A pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating the acceptability of a web-based body image intervention for coaches of adolescent girls (2023)
Journal Article

Coaches influence athletes’ body image, but often feel ill-equipped to address body image concerns and inadvertently perpetuate harmful body ideals. No evidence-based, empirically-tested body image intervention for coaches exists. This study evaluate... Read More about Body confident coaching: A pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating the acceptability of a web-based body image intervention for coaches of adolescent girls.

The body esteem scale for adults and adolescents: Translation, adaptation and psychometric validation among Brazilian adolescents (2022)
Journal Article

A lack of rigorously validated body image measures for use among adolescents is hampering research in Brazil. This study aimed to validate a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Body Esteem Scale for Adults and Adolescents (BESAA; Mendelson et al., 20... Read More about The body esteem scale for adults and adolescents: Translation, adaptation and psychometric validation among Brazilian adolescents.

A mixed-studies systematic review of the experiences of body image, disordered eating, and eating disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Journal Article

Objectives: This systematic review assessed the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions on body image, disordered eating (DE), and eating disorder outcomes. Methods: After registration on PROSPERO, a search was conducted for pa... Read More about A mixed-studies systematic review of the experiences of body image, disordered eating, and eating disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Improving body image at scale among Brazilian adolescents: Study protocol for the co-creation and randomised trial evaluation of a chatbot intervention (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Body image concerns are prevalent among Brazilian adolescents and can lead to poor psychological and physical health. Yet, there is a scarcity of culturally-appropriate, evidence-based interventions that have been evaluated and made widel... Read More about Improving body image at scale among Brazilian adolescents: Study protocol for the co-creation and randomised trial evaluation of a chatbot intervention.

Game on! A randomised controlled trial evaluation of playable technology in improving body satisfaction and negative affect among adolescents (2021)
Journal Article

Playables are mini-games used in digital advertising and may offer a novel and engaging avenue to improve young people’s well-being at scale. This randomised controlled trial evaluated the immediate impact and protective properties of a psychoeducati... Read More about Game on! A randomised controlled trial evaluation of playable technology in improving body satisfaction and negative affect among adolescents.

The effectiveness of brief animated films as a scalable micro-intervention to improve children’s body image: A randomised controlled trial (2020)
Journal Article

Creating media to counteract the plethora of media and advertising that perpetuates negative body image is a scalable public health strategy that can be achieved through innovative micro-interventions. This study examined the immediate and short-ter... Read More about The effectiveness of brief animated films as a scalable micro-intervention to improve children’s body image: A randomised controlled trial.

Utilising cognitive bias modification to remedy appearance and self-worth biases in eating disorder psychopathology: A systematic review (2019)
Journal Article

© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Background and objectives: This study systematically reviewed the impact of Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) on biases related to attention (CBM-A) and interpretation (CBM-I) for appearance and self-worth stimuli and the subseque... Read More about Utilising cognitive bias modification to remedy appearance and self-worth biases in eating disorder psychopathology: A systematic review.