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Dr Mwidimi Ndosi's Outputs (11)

The patient perspective of nurse-led care in early rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review of qualitative studies with thematic analysis (2020)
Journal Article

Management of rheumatoid arthritis has changed dramatically over the last decade and is characterised by early start of intensive treatment and tight monitoring of disease activity until remission. The role of nurse-led care at early... Read More about The patient perspective of nurse-led care in early rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review of qualitative studies with thematic analysis.

Developing the Korean Educational Needs Assessment Tool (Korean ENAT) in rheumatoid arthritis: Cross-cultural validation using Rasch analysis (2020)
Journal Article

Background/aims: This study was performed to undertake cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Educational Needs Assessment Tool (ENAT) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for use in Korea.

Methods: The study involved two main phases: cross-cultu... Read More about Developing the Korean Educational Needs Assessment Tool (Korean ENAT) in rheumatoid arthritis: Cross-cultural validation using Rasch analysis.

Revisiting the use of remission criteria for rheumatoid arthritis by excluding patient global assessment: An individual meta-analysis of 5792 patients (2020)
Journal Article

Objectives: To determine the impact of excluding patient global assessment (PGA) from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Boolean remission criteria, on prediction of radiographic and functional outco... Read More about Revisiting the use of remission criteria for rheumatoid arthritis by excluding patient global assessment: An individual meta-analysis of 5792 patients.

Validation of the Italian version of the educational needs assessment tool in rheumatoid arthritis patients and factors associated with educational needs (2020)
Journal Article

The educational needs assessment tool (ENAT) is a seven-domain questionnaire assessing the educational needs (EN) of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of this study was to validate the Italian version of the ENAT and to identify factor... Read More about Validation of the Italian version of the educational needs assessment tool in rheumatoid arthritis patients and factors associated with educational needs.

SAT0643-HPR Nurse-led care from the perspective of people with early rheumatoid arthritis: A qualitative systematic review (2020)
Journal Article

Background: Nurse-led care has been shown to be clinically effective and cost effective in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) but the role of the nurse in early RA is not well defined. Evidence for processes of care in RA is... Read More about SAT0643-HPR Nurse-led care from the perspective of people with early rheumatoid arthritis: A qualitative systematic review.

Dissemination and assessing implementation of the EULAR recommendations for patient education for people with inflammatory arthritis across Europe (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: EULAR recommendations for patient education for people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) were published in 2015.1 This is the first systematic dissemination and implementation study, reporting qualitative data identifying barriers to imple... Read More about Dissemination and assessing implementation of the EULAR recommendations for patient education for people with inflammatory arthritis across Europe.

Revisiting the remission criteria for rheumatoid arthritis by excluding patient global assessment: An individual patient meta-analysis including 5792 patients (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Remission nowadays is the guiding target of management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, no gold standard definition of remission exists and the inclusion of patient global assessment (PGA) in remis... Read More about Revisiting the remission criteria for rheumatoid arthritis by excluding patient global assessment: An individual patient meta-analysis including 5792 patients.

Revision and validation of the German version of the Systemic Sclerosis Quality of Life Questionnaire (SScQoL) with Mokken scale analysis (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In the validation study, German-speaking SSc patients included in the Swiss MANagement Of Systemic Sclerosis (MANOSS) cross-sectional study completed the revised (polytomous) SScQoL. Mokken model was used to test the construct valid... Read More about Revision and validation of the German version of the Systemic Sclerosis Quality of Life Questionnaire (SScQoL) with Mokken scale analysis.

Psychological and self-management support for people with vasculitis or connective tissue diseases: UK health professionals' perspectives (2020)
Journal Article

© The Author(s) 2020. Objectives. CTD and systemic vasculitis impact on health-related quality of life. Treatment can be complex, involving multiple medical specialities. The aim of this study was to investigate psychological and self-management supp... Read More about Psychological and self-management support for people with vasculitis or connective tissue diseases: UK health professionals' perspectives.

Educational needs of patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases attending a large health facility in Austria (2020)
Journal Article

Patient education is an important part of the management of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. Given that patients with diverse diseases do not have the same needs, it is crucial to assess the educational requirements of targeted g... Read More about Educational needs of patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases attending a large health facility in Austria.