Development and validation of a patient reported outcome measure for giant cell arteritis
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jo Robson's Outputs (4)
AB0834 Development of a conceptual framework for a patient reported outcome measure to capture patients’ perceptions of glucocorticoid therapy during treatment for rheumatic diseases (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Background: Glucocorticoids (GCs) are a key treatment for the autoimmune rheumatic diseases; however, they produce numerous physical and psychological side effects.1 The Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Gl... Read More about AB0834 Development of a conceptual framework for a patient reported outcome measure to capture patients’ perceptions of glucocorticoid therapy during treatment for rheumatic diseases.
Patient perceptions of health-related quality of life in giant cell arteritis: International development of a disease-specific patient-reported outcome measure (2021)
Journal Article
Objectives: GCA is a large vessel vasculitis (LVV) presenting with headache, jaw claudication, musculoskeletal and visual involvement. Current treatment is glucocorticoids and anti-IL-6 tocilizumab in refractory disease. The objective of this study w... Read More about Patient perceptions of health-related quality of life in giant cell arteritis: International development of a disease-specific patient-reported outcome measure.
Patient reported outcomes in large vessel vasculitides (2021)
Journal Article
Purpose of Review: The goal of this paper is to review current and future uses of patient-reported outcomes in large vessel vasculitis. The large vessel vasculitides comprise Giant Cell Arteritis and Takayasu arteritis; both are types of systemic vas... Read More about Patient reported outcomes in large vessel vasculitides.