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Dr Dominic Lees' Outputs (14)

The digital resurrection of Margaret Thatcher: Creative, technological and legal dilemmas in the use of deepfakes in screen drama (2021)
Journal Article

This article develops from the findings of an interdisciplinary research project that has linked film practice research with computer science and law, in an exercise that seeks to digitally resurrect Margaret Thatcher to play herself in a contemporar... Read More about The digital resurrection of Margaret Thatcher: Creative, technological and legal dilemmas in the use of deepfakes in screen drama.

Seeing It On Television (2021)

Seeing It on Television: Televisuality in the Contemporary US ‘High-end’ Series is co-authored by Dominic Lees and Max Sexton. The book is a detailed study of aesthetics in contemporary US television drama. It examines a range of cultural, technolog... Read More about Seeing It On Television.

Faking it (2021)
Journal Article

Could deepfake films make their way from YouTube novelty and artworld provocation into mainstream cinema?

‘Modes of Creative Practice’ in fiction filmmaking: towards a new Theory of Film Practice (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In this paper, I present the concept of the ‘Modes of Creative Practice’, a theoretical construct that provides us with a new form of taxonomy of film. I will explain how the practice research conducted through the making of The Burning illustrates... Read More about ‘Modes of Creative Practice’ in fiction filmmaking: towards a new Theory of Film Practice.

Improvisation as a research methodology: Exploring links between filmmakers’ practice and traditions of enquiry across the academy (2019)
Journal Article

This article concentrates on one form of creative practice, improvisation, considering how it has been used as an experimental method within filmmaking as well as in research enquiry. Drawing on my professional experience in the field of narrative fi... Read More about Improvisation as a research methodology: Exploring links between filmmakers’ practice and traditions of enquiry across the academy.

Outlanders (2009)
Digital Artefact

After his father's death, Adam hitchhikes to London from his hometown in Poland to find his older brother, a former Polish football star, now supplying illegal migrant workers to the booming construction industry in London. To the impressionable youn... Read More about Outlanders.