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Jane Powell's Outputs (11)

Bristol girls dance project feasibility study: Using a pilot economic evaluation to inform design of a full trial (2013)
Journal Article

Background: There is currently little guidance for pilot trial economic evaluation where health outcomes and costs are influenced by a range of wider determinants and factors. Objectives: This article presents the findings of a pilot economic evaluat... Read More about Bristol girls dance project feasibility study: Using a pilot economic evaluation to inform design of a full trial.

Measuring the economic impact of the wellspring healthy living centre's social prescribing wellbeing programme for low level mental health issues encountered by GP services (2013)

This research evaluates the impacts of a holistic social prescribing Wellbeing Programme delivered by the Wellspring Healthy Living Centre, Bristol. As a holistic social prescribing approach it is representative of many third sector led intervention... Read More about Measuring the economic impact of the wellspring healthy living centre's social prescribing wellbeing programme for low level mental health issues encountered by GP services.

Action 3:30: Protocol for a randomized feasibility trial of a teaching assistant led extracurricular physical activity intervention (2013)
Journal Article

Background: Many children do not meet physical activity (PA) guidelines. Extracurricular programmes could provide a mechanism to increase the PA levels of primary-school aged children. Teaching assistants (TAs) are a valuable resource in all UK prima... Read More about Action 3:30: Protocol for a randomized feasibility trial of a teaching assistant led extracurricular physical activity intervention.

Making care homes part of the community? An evaluation of the Gloucestershire Partnerships for Older People Project (2013)
Journal Article

Purpose - This paper report on the evaluation of a project that aimed to improve the integration of care homes with health and social care services and with the wider community. Design/methodology/approach - The evaluation adopted a mixed methods app... Read More about Making care homes part of the community? An evaluation of the Gloucestershire Partnerships for Older People Project.

A randomised trial comparing the cost effectiveness of different emergency department healthcare professionals in soft tissue injury management (2013)
Journal Article

Objectives: To evaluate the cost effectiveness of soft tissue injury management by emergency nurse practitioners (ENPs) and extended scope physiotherapists (ESPs) compared with the routine care provided by doctors in an emergency department (ED). Des... Read More about A randomised trial comparing the cost effectiveness of different emergency department healthcare professionals in soft tissue injury management.

Bristol girls dance project (BGDP): protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of an after-school dance programme to increase physical activity among 11-12 year old girls (2013)
Journal Article

BACKGROUND: Many children do not meet current UK physical activity (PA) guidelines. Girls are less active than boys throughout childhood, and the age-related decline in PA, particularly from early adolescence, is steeper for girls than for boys. Danc... Read More about Bristol girls dance project (BGDP): protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of an after-school dance programme to increase physical activity among 11-12 year old girls.