Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Louise Ciotti's Recognition (12)
Level 5 Diploma in Retrofit Coordination and Risk Management
Description The Retrofit Academy, UK
UWE FET ABE teacher of the Year
Conservation Consultant accreditation
Description Architects Associated with Building Conservation [AABC]
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Affiliated Organisations Advance HE
LETI UK pioneer
Description In 2020, I became a London Energy and transport Initiative 'Pioneer' [13]; this membership positions me in a network of over 1000 built environment professionals working toward a zero-carbon future. LETI acts to influence policy and practice and has far-reaching influence in industry circles, and to this effect I have contributed project case studies to their network as part of an information gathering exercise.
Technical Expert - TSB Low Impact Building Innovation Platform
Description I was commissioned as a Technical Expert to assess competitive bids for funded projects for the TSB Low Impact Building Innovation Platform / DECC Energy Entrepreneurs Fund in the allocation of GBP 38m of research grants to industry/academic partnerships Affiliated Organisations Innovate UK
Welsh Conference on Low Carbon Learning
Description I organised and hosted the 2013 Welsh Conference on Low Carbon Learning for industry, policymakers and academics, disseminating research I had co-investigated on low energy/Passivhaus design, as a consultant to WSA Design Research Unit Wales Affiliated Organisations Cardiff University
Construction Emissions Community of Practice
Description I was invited to join Construction Emissions Community of Practice [CECoP]; a collaborative network of industry influencers and academics that formed a pivotal working group at a critical moment in recognition of embodied carbons' role in building performance [8], where my contribution to knowledge influenced at a national level.
Schumacher Consultant for Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems
Description I am a Consultant for the Bristol-based Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems [14]. I am working towards building a research collaboration that can give UWE Bristol access to diverse, inter-disciplinary and internationally reaching resource of expertise. I am currently pursuing a research opportunity via this network for Post Occupancy Evaluation to involve UWE colleagues and students.
RIBA Silver Medal nominee
Stephen Welsh Prize in Architecture
Description University of Sheffield