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Jason Mansell's Outputs (4)

Lysophosphatidic acid-functionalised titanium as a superior surface for supporting human osteoblast (MG63) maturation (2012)
Journal Article

Covalent modifications of titanium with small molecules
known to promote human osteoblast maturation are
especially attractive in developing superior biomaterials.
An important step in securing competent bone formation
at implant sites is promoti... Read More about Lysophosphatidic acid-functionalised titanium as a superior surface for supporting human osteoblast (MG63) maturation.

Lysophosphatidic acid and calcitriol co-operate to promote human osteoblastogenesis: Requirement of albumin-bound LPA (2011)
Journal Article

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a pleiotropic signalling lipid is assuming growing significance in osteoblast biology. Although committed osteoblasts from several mammalian species are receptive to LPA far less is known about the potential for LPA to in... Read More about Lysophosphatidic acid and calcitriol co-operate to promote human osteoblastogenesis: Requirement of albumin-bound LPA.

The synergistic effects of lysophosphatidic acid receptor agonists and calcitriol on MG63 osteoblast maturation at titanium and hydroxyapatite surfaces (2010)
Journal Article

Successful osseointegration stems from the provision of a mechanically competent mineralised matrix at the implant site. Mature osteoblasts are the cells responsible for achieving this and a key factor for ensuring healthy bone tissue is associated w... Read More about The synergistic effects of lysophosphatidic acid receptor agonists and calcitriol on MG63 osteoblast maturation at titanium and hydroxyapatite surfaces.

Lithocholate-A promising non-calcaemic calcitriol surrogate for promoting human osteoblast maturation upon biomaterials (2009)
Journal Article

Background and aims: Calcitriol, an active vitamin D metabolite, has a limited application in bone repair because of its undesirable hypercalcaemic action. However it has emerged that lithocholic acid (LCA) is a non-calcaemic vitamin D receptor ligan... Read More about Lithocholate-A promising non-calcaemic calcitriol surrogate for promoting human osteoblast maturation upon biomaterials.