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Benjamin De Lacy Costello's Outputs (16)

Towards slime mould chemical sensor: Mapping chemical inputs onto electrical potential dynamics of Physarum Polycephalum (2013)
Journal Article

Plasmodium of slime mould Physarum polycephalum is a large single celled organism visible unaided by the eye. This slime mould is capable of optimising the shape of its protoplasmic networks in spatial configurations of attractants and repellents. Su... Read More about Towards slime mould chemical sensor: Mapping chemical inputs onto electrical potential dynamics of Physarum Polycephalum.

Breath volatile analysis from patients diagnosed with harmful drinking, cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy: A pilot study (2013)
Journal Article

Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a neuropsychiatric state potentially complicating cirrhosis following the accumulation of toxic compounds that cross the blood-brain barrier and affect brain function; the compounds may undergo alveolar gas exchange and... Read More about Breath volatile analysis from patients diagnosed with harmful drinking, cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy: A pilot study.

An investigation of volatile organic compounds from the saliva of healthy individuals using headspace-trap/GC-MS (2013)
Journal Article

Analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from saliva, to aid disease diagnoses, has received little attention. This work aims to address the paucity of information on saliva volatiles and includes a database of newly identified compounds whilst... Read More about An investigation of volatile organic compounds from the saliva of healthy individuals using headspace-trap/GC-MS.

A Pilot Study Combining a GC-Sensor Device with a Statistical Model for the Identification of Bladder Cancer from Urine Headspace (2013)
Journal Article

There is a need to reduce the number of cystoscopies on patients with haematuria. Presently there are no reliable biomarkers to screen for bladder cancer. In this paper, we evaluate a new simple in-house fabricated, GC-sensor device in the diagnosis... Read More about A Pilot Study Combining a GC-Sensor Device with a Statistical Model for the Identification of Bladder Cancer from Urine Headspace.

Does the D.C. response of memristors allow robotic short-term memory and a possible route to artificial time perception? (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Time perception is essential for task switching, and in the mammalian brain appears alongside other processes. Memristors are electronic components used as synapses and as models for neurons. The d.c. response of memristors can be considered as a typ... Read More about Does the D.C. response of memristors allow robotic short-term memory and a possible route to artificial time perception?.

Design of a hybrid robot control system using memristor-model and ant-inspired based information transfer protocols (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

It is not always possible for a robot to process all the information from its sensors in a timely manner and thus quick and yet valid approximations of the robot's situation are needed. Here we design hybrid control for a robot within this limit usin... Read More about Design of a hybrid robot control system using memristor-model and ant-inspired based information transfer protocols.

Toward turing’s A-type unorganised machines in an unconventional substrate: A dynamic representation in compartmentalised excitable chemical media (2013)
Book Chapter

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013. Turing presented a general representation scheme by which to achieve artificial intelligence – unorganised machines. Significantly, these were a form of discrete dynamical system and yet such representations... Read More about Toward turing’s A-type unorganised machines in an unconventional substrate: A dynamic representation in compartmentalised excitable chemical media.