Very Windy Wellington or Wery Vindy Vellington: Sublexical processing and speech production in German-English bilinguals
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Anna Piasecki's Outputs (5)
The phonetic encoding of /v/-/w/ in German-English bilinguals (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
How orthographic overlap in script affects cognate recognition in Russian-English bilinguals: A rating and an RT pilot study (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Demystifying the bilingual mind (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The effect of a bilingual learning mode on the establishment of lexical semantic representations in the L2 (2014)
Journal Article
Deliberate vocabulary learning is common in the L2, however, questions remain about most efficient and effective forms of this learning approach. Bilingual models of L2 word learning and processing can be used to make predictions about outcomes of le... Read More about The effect of a bilingual learning mode on the establishment of lexical semantic representations in the L2.