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Alan Tapp's Supervisions (1)

Doctor of Philosopy

Level Doctor of Philosopy
Student Andy Ridgway
Status Current
Part Time Yes
Years 2016 - 2023
Project Title Exploring the Interaction Between Online Practices and Offline Domestic Food Practices in Family Homes: Implications for Food Waste Reduction Campaigns
Project Description The project is exploring how social media practices and domestic food practices are entangled. In other words, how what takes place on social media influences what happens in family homes in relation to food and how domestic food practices shape online practices. Within this, the research is investigating who and what parents trust online and who are considered experts. By understanding more about online interaction about food, it is hoped to inform future food waste reduction campaigns.
Awarding Institution University of the West of England
Director of Studies Katy Ling
Second Supervisor Alan Tapp
Thesis Exploring the interaction between online practices and offline domestic food practices in family homes: Implications for food waste reduction campaigns