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All Outputs (1915)

Time-dependent thermo-elastic creep analysis of thick-walled spherical pressure vessels made of functionally graded materials (2015)
Journal Article

Assuming that the thermo-elastic creep response of the material is governed by Norton's law and material properties, except Poisson's ratio, are considered as a function of the radius of the spherical vessel, an analytical solution is presented for c... Read More about Time-dependent thermo-elastic creep analysis of thick-walled spherical pressure vessels made of functionally graded materials.

Energy management of the organ fraction of the municipal solid waste. Case study: Metropolitan area of Medellin, Colombia (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The global problem of production and final disposal of the municipal solid waste, has today a greater environmental impact due to economic growth, the industrial development and the increase of population in urban areas. In the case of Colombia, the... Read More about Energy management of the organ fraction of the municipal solid waste. Case study: Metropolitan area of Medellin, Colombia.

A new design of membraneless microbial fuel cell: Anode and cathode share the same self-stratified electrolyte of urine (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Regardless of architecture, microbial fuel cell technology requires a plurality of units to achieve exploitable electrical power. This implies that each unit needs a simple design allowing the production of the needed multiplicity. Here, we present a... Read More about A new design of membraneless microbial fuel cell: Anode and cathode share the same self-stratified electrolyte of urine.