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Local sustainable transport fund case study evaluation: Strategic employment sites and business parks West of England summary report (2018)

In 2013 the UK Department for Transport commissioned a number of ‘Case Study evaluations’ of the impacts of Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) investment. One of these was an evaluation of LSTF impacts on Strategic Employment Sites and Business... Read More about Local sustainable transport fund case study evaluation: Strategic employment sites and business parks West of England summary report.

Local sustainable transport fund case study evaluation: Strategic employment sites and business parks summary report (2018)

In 2013 the UK Department for Transport commissioned a number of ‘Case Study evaluations’ of the impacts of Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) investment. One of these was an evaluation of LSTF impacts on Strategic Employment Sites and Business... Read More about Local sustainable transport fund case study evaluation: Strategic employment sites and business parks summary report.

Implementation of ‘CLICK into Activity’ in South Somerset: Social prescribing through primary care referral of ‘at risk’ populations to community leisure services (2018)

In March 2013, Sport England launched a Lottery-funded initiative called ‘Get Healthy Get Active’ (GHGA), investing in numerous UK-based projects designed to tackle inactivity through participation in sport.
CLICK into Activity, a social prescribin... Read More about Implementation of ‘CLICK into Activity’ in South Somerset: Social prescribing through primary care referral of ‘at risk’ populations to community leisure services.

Handling uncertainty in transport planning and decision making - Report of a roundtable discussion held in London on 20 July 2018 (2018)

In the 1700s, the French philosopher Voltaire reportedly said “Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.” The transport sector is becoming increasingly alive to how uncertain the future is. There is significant (or ‘de... Read More about Handling uncertainty in transport planning and decision making - Report of a roundtable discussion held in London on 20 July 2018.

Assessing extreme weather-related vulnerability and identifying resilience options for California's interdependent transportation fuel sector (2018)

California’s transportation fuel sector (TFS), whose assets supply crude oil from its source to end fuel users, will increasingly be exposed to extreme weather events including flooding and wildfire under climate change. Prior studies have not consid... Read More about Assessing extreme weather-related vulnerability and identifying resilience options for California's interdependent transportation fuel sector.

Re-thinking the indices of multiple deprivation (for England): A review and exploration of alternative/complementary area-based indicator systems (2018)

Power to Change was established by the Big Lottery as an organisation whose mission is to fund community businesses and through such investment make an impact on the most disadvantaged places in England. Through setting its mission to target the most... Read More about Re-thinking the indices of multiple deprivation (for England): A review and exploration of alternative/complementary area-based indicator systems.

Local transport – a view from the summit. Contributions and insights from the first and second Local Transport Summits, Oxford 2016 and Manchester 2017 (2018)

Planning and delivering successful local transport involves making sense of transport system supply and demand, reflecting user needs as necessary and advising on how wider social, economic and environmental considerations can be taken into account.... Read More about Local transport – a view from the summit. Contributions and insights from the first and second Local Transport Summits, Oxford 2016 and Manchester 2017.

Policy brief for law enforcement and policy making agencies in Jamaica May 2018: Organized crime control in Jamaica: A small island country’s dilemma (2018)

Re-conceptualising organized crime control in Jamaica requires an evidence informed strategy which must be more suited to local conditions and variations than the present structure.

Jamaica, like other indebted countries, has reduced tariff revenu... Read More about Policy brief for law enforcement and policy making agencies in Jamaica May 2018: Organized crime control in Jamaica: A small island country’s dilemma.

Reviewing the evidence on mitigation strategies for bats in buildings informing best-practice for policy makers and practitioners (2018)

This study aimed to provide evidence to planners, developers and ecological practitioners on the efficacy of bat roost mitigation and compensation to help them ensure that mitigation approaches are evidence-based and beneficial for bats.
Primary obj... Read More about Reviewing the evidence on mitigation strategies for bats in buildings informing best-practice for policy makers and practitioners.