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Assessing bird collisions in the United Kingdom: Modelling frequency of bird-strike from road and rail mortality using a Bayesian hierarchical approach (2020)

Roads are an important way to transport people and goods, but they sometimes have negative impacts on wildlife. One of the leading causes of mortality for several species is identified as road strikes, and the most significant remains bird-vehicle co... Read More about Assessing bird collisions in the United Kingdom: Modelling frequency of bird-strike from road and rail mortality using a Bayesian hierarchical approach.

Socially-Driven Enterprise Education: Exploring the effectiveness of socially-driven projects in developing students’ enterprise skills (2020)

The growing interest in social enterprise has arguably changed the enterprise education landscape with HEIs increasingly embedding social enterprise into accredited programmes and developing extracurricular activities aimed at engendering social entr... Read More about Socially-Driven Enterprise Education: Exploring the effectiveness of socially-driven projects in developing students’ enterprise skills.