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All Outputs (69)

Business resilience and visual art: New directions for research in business- oriented practice for visual artists (2021)

Surprisingly, relatively few studies exist that ask what resilience looks like for freelancers and this is especially true for visual artists; who are the main focus of this study. This research asks what factors increase business resilience for visu... Read More about Business resilience and visual art: New directions for research in business- oriented practice for visual artists.

From catastrophe to hybridity to recovery? Unpacking the implications of a sector in transition as a result of COVID-19: A focus on South West England’s creative and cultural sector (2021)

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the creative and cultural sector in South West England. This is the first comprehensive piece of work looking at the impact on the region but also asking questions about medium and long term transition and res... Read More about From catastrophe to hybridity to recovery? Unpacking the implications of a sector in transition as a result of COVID-19: A focus on South West England’s creative and cultural sector.

WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments Policy and Practice Note 1 Futureproofing urban parks and greenspaces for climate resilience, people and wildlife (2021)

Contact with nature is beneficial to physical and mental wellbeing. By 2050 almost 70% of the world’s population will live in towns and cities, remote from wilder natural environments. Nature experience must therefore be provided through access to hi... Read More about WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments Policy and Practice Note 1 Futureproofing urban parks and greenspaces for climate resilience, people and wildlife.

Urban redevelopment of contaminated sites: A review of scientific evidence and practical knowledge on environmental and health issues (2021)

Across the WHO European Region, the urban population is growing steadily and demand for land is rapidly increasing. Revitalizing and/or remediating industrial sites and contaminated land present an opportunity for sustainable urban development and re... Read More about Urban redevelopment of contaminated sites: A review of scientific evidence and practical knowledge on environmental and health issues.

Reaching underserved audiences: How science communicators are making new connections using innovative techniques (2021)

When science is communicated, the audiences are most typically white, affluent, with relatively high levels of formal education and a pre-existing interest in science. This research involved interviews with science communicators across Europe who hav... Read More about Reaching underserved audiences: How science communicators are making new connections using innovative techniques.

Towards an age friendly Bristol? Understanding the context and development of the Bristol Ageing Better programme (2021)

The Bristol Ageing Better (BAB) programme began in 2015 during a time of significant demographic, social, economic, political and policy change. This report looks, not at the projects commissioned by BAB, but at the underlying context. Using research... Read More about Towards an age friendly Bristol? Understanding the context and development of the Bristol Ageing Better programme.