All Outputs (73)
Feeling stupid: A survey of university students’ experience of social anxiety in learning situations (2009)
In this study, 300 university students at UWE Bristol reported on their experiences of social anxiety in learning situations. Participants were self-selected using an initial screening tool and were invited to complete a web-based questionnaire. Desc... Read More about Feeling stupid: A survey of university students’ experience of social anxiety in learning situations.
How social marketing can encourage teenage breastfeeding (2009)
Measuring supporter satisfaction: A research report (2009)
Ensuring quality of life in Europe's cities and towns (2009)
Reporting difference in Dungannon (2009)
Analysis of media coverage of ‘foreigners’ in Dungannon; journalistic study of attitudes on the ground; commentary and recommendations for Action plan to improve, coverage and community relations.
We summarise the available evidence on the extent, composition and effects of migration from the NMS to Sweden after 2004. Sweden was the only EU State which in 2004
introduced the full Community rule on the free movement of labour for NMS nationals... Read More about Labour mobility within the EU in the context of enlargement and the functioning of the transitional arrangements. Case study: Sweden.
Denmark applied gentle transition rules on migration from the NMS in May 2004 and further eased the access to its labour market in 2006 and 2007. We summarise the available
evidence on the extent, composition and effects of migration from the NMS to... Read More about Labour mobility within the EU in the context of enlargement and the functioning of the transitional arrangements. Case study: Denmark.
Toilet strategy research report (2009)
Prepared in association with Entec Planning Consultants.
An evaluation of the Gloucestershire partnerships for older people project (2009)
This report presents the background to and findings of a UWE evaluation of the Gloucestershire Partnerships for Older People project, which was called 'Care Homes, Part of Our Community'.
Social marketing ethics: report prepared for the National Social Marketing Centre (2009)
This report has been developed by Professor Lynn Eagle from the Bristol Social Marketing Centre, Bristol Business School University of West of England with contributions from
staff at the National Social Marketing Centre.