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All Outputs (31)

A qualitative investigation of the barriers and motivators to physical activity in second-generation Indian and Pakistani women (2020)

Objective: To investigate second generation south Asian women’s experiences to physical activity, specifically the attitudes, motivations and barriers.

Method: A qualitative methods approach was implemented. Semi-structured interviews were carried... Read More about A qualitative investigation of the barriers and motivators to physical activity in second-generation Indian and Pakistani women.

Using strategic science to explore ways to foster positive body image through the lens of corporate social responsibility: A mixed methods investigation (2020)

Global industries such as fashion, beauty, advertising, and cosmetic procedures play a substantial role in promoting unrealistic societal appearance ideals. Sociocultural theory demonstrates how this promotion can lead to negative body image. Notably... Read More about Using strategic science to explore ways to foster positive body image through the lens of corporate social responsibility: A mixed methods investigation.

Exploring counselling psychologists’ experiences of working relationally within an IAPT service: An IPA study (2020)

Aims: This study aims to identify and explore the experiences of counselling psychologists working relationally within IAPT services, looking at their therapeutic practice, the supervision they received and the impact of working in IAPT services upon... Read More about Exploring counselling psychologists’ experiences of working relationally within an IAPT service: An IPA study.

Factors contributing towards psychological resilience in individuals with and without cleft lip and or/palate (2020)

Introduction: Cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) is the most common congenital craniofacial condition (CFC) and those born with it are likely to face a multitude of challenges, including in relation to psychological well-being. Research to date does not... Read More about Factors contributing towards psychological resilience in individuals with and without cleft lip and or/palate.

Autistic subjectivities: A critical narrative analysis of the stories of women who self-identified as autistic in adulthood (2020)

Until recently, autism was assumed to be a predominantly male phenomenon, but a growing number of women are now identifying as autistic in adulthood after many years of unexplained difficulties in their everyday lives. The findings of the few studies... Read More about Autistic subjectivities: A critical narrative analysis of the stories of women who self-identified as autistic in adulthood.

Exploring the relationship of couples living with dementia and the role of couples therapy; a thematic analysis (2020)

Contemporary dementia care is starting to adopt a relationship-centred approach, recognising the wider social context of the person living with dementia. Psychological therapy offered to people living with dementia is limited and further hindered by... Read More about Exploring the relationship of couples living with dementia and the role of couples therapy; a thematic analysis.

Mental health, mental illness and psychological help-seeking in St. Lucia: An exploration of young adult men's understanding using thematic analysis (2020)

There is a need to understand the psychology of Caribbean people, particularly Afro -Caribbean men, in order to recognise and meet their mental health needs, within both a Caribbean and a non-majority population context. This research adds to the mu... Read More about Mental health, mental illness and psychological help-seeking in St. Lucia: An exploration of young adult men's understanding using thematic analysis.

The policing of ‘county lines’ in affected import towns: Exploring local responses to evolving heroin and crack markets (2019)

Across the UK, markets for heroin and crack cocaine in provincial towns are evolving. Due to the high-profile drug market development termed ‘County Lines’, retail supply in many areas is now seemingly dominated by ‘out of town’ dealers who have esta... Read More about The policing of ‘county lines’ in affected import towns: Exploring local responses to evolving heroin and crack markets.