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All Outputs (4)

Inspiring library partnerships: Evaluation of a unique reciprocal borrowing scheme between Higher Education and local authorities in the West of England (2014)

The SWRLS Open Doors project was a partnership between LibrariesWest (led by South Gloucestershire Library Service) and UWE Bristol Library Services and funded by SWRLS (South Western Regional Library Service). The aim was to pilot a reciprocal borro... Read More about Inspiring library partnerships: Evaluation of a unique reciprocal borrowing scheme between Higher Education and local authorities in the West of England.

Audit of walk-in access for members of the public to online resources at higher education and further education libraries in the South West of England (2012)

This SWRLS-funded project aims to analyse and evaluate the extent to which Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE) libraries across the South West region of the United Kingdom provide walk-in access to electronic resources.
The information... Read More about Audit of walk-in access for members of the public to online resources at higher education and further education libraries in the South West of England.

Value and impact of librarians’ interventions on student skills development (Library Impact and Value For Education and Skills: LIVES) Project: Phase 1 report

This study became known as the LIVES (Library Impact and Value for Education and Skills) Project. The aim of this study was to discover the perceived impact and to identify the value of four library interventions within the curriculum in developing... Read More about Value and impact of librarians’ interventions on student skills development (Library Impact and Value For Education and Skills: LIVES) Project: Phase 1 report.