Enda Hayes Enda.Hayes@uwe.ac.uk
Prof in Air Quality & Carbon Management/School Director (Research & Enterprise)
An independent review of monitoring measures undertaken in Neath Port Talbot in respect of particulate matter (PM10)
Hayes, Enda T; Chatterton, Tim
Tim Chatterton
The purpose of this Executive Summary is not to provide a comprehensive summation of all the observations and conclusions identified during this study but rather provide a synopsis of the main findings of this independent review. The points raised in this Executive Summary are supported by in-depth discussion and data analysis in the main document and therefore the reader should not draw any conclusions without reading the main document in detail.
The Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC), University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE) was appointed by the Welsh Assembly Government following a competitive tendering process to undertake a project entitled ‘An Independent Review of Monitoring Measures Undertaken in Neath Port Talbot in Respect of Particulate Matter (PM10) - Contract Number RPP0001/2009’. Within the Tender Specification prepared by the Welsh Assembly Government, clear project aims have been highlighted as follows:
- Provide an independent amalgamation and review of the monitoring, modelling, source apportionment and atmospheric particle characterisation work undertaken in respect of PM10 pollution in the Neath Port Talbot area since 2000;
- Draw upon the projects undertaken by, and experiences of, relevant stakeholders including Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (NPTCBC), contracted consultants, WAG, the Environment Agency Wales (EAW), the Port Talbot Steelworks site operators and several university researchers;
- Provide advice to WAG on further measures to pinpoint sources of particulate matter within the area; and
- Assist the Welsh Minister’s understanding of the issues and implementation of actions in the affected area to ensure that concentrations of PM10 attain the air quality standards as set out in the Air Quality Standards (Wales) Regulations 2007.
Following the Environment Act 1995 all local authorities have a statutory duty to review and assess air quality within their administrative area. NPTCBC have undertaken their review and assessment duties since the commencement of Round 1 in 1998. In Round 1 the Council identified an exceedence of the PM10 24-hour air quality objective and the Taibach Margam Air Quality Management Area for PM10 (24-hour objective) was declared on the 1st of July 2000.
Subsequently, as required by the Environment Act 1995, NPTCBC undertook a Stage 4 / Further Assessment of air quality in which their source apportionment
study identified the Port Talbot Steelworks as the primary source of PM10 emissions. As required by the legislation NPTCBC has developed the Taibach Margam Air Quality Management Area (PM10) Air Quality Action Plan (NPTCBC AQAP) in collaboration with various stakeholders including the site operators and Environment Agency Wales (EAW) and has subsequently continued with their statutory Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) duties. A synopsis of all the key conclusions and recommendations from this study are provided below and they have been categorised according to the primary objectives of the project tender specifications as outlined in Section 2.1.
Report Type | Project Report |
Deposit Date | Jan 10, 2011 |
Publicly Available Date | Mar 14, 2016 |
Peer Reviewed | Not Peer Reviewed |
Keywords | air pollution, industry, industrial quality, steel, Wales |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/991815 |
Publisher URL | http://wales.gov.uk/topics/environmentcountryside/epq/airqualitypollution/airquality/southwaleszone/porttalbotpm10/?lang=en |
Additional Information | Additional Information : © Crown Copyright 2009. Crown Copyright material is reproduced under Class Licence Number C2006000478 with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen’s Printer for Scotland |
Contract Date | Mar 14, 2016 |
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