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Deep learning-based networks for automated recognition and classification of awkward working postures in construction using wearable insole sensor data

Antwi-Afari, Maxwell Fordjour; Qarout, Yazan; Herzallah, Randa; Anwer, Shahnawaz; Umer, Waleed; Zhang, Yongcheng; Manu, Patrick

Deep learning-based networks for automated recognition and classification of awkward working postures in construction using wearable insole sensor data Thumbnail


Maxwell Fordjour Antwi-Afari

Yazan Qarout

Randa Herzallah

Shahnawaz Anwer

Waleed Umer

Yongcheng Zhang

Patrick Manu
Professor of Innovative Construction and Project Management


Among the numerous work-related risk factors, construction workers are often exposed to awkward working postures that may lead them to develop work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). To mitigate WMSDs among construction workers, awkward working posture recognition is the first step in proactive WMSD prevention. Several researchers have proposed wearable sensor-based systems and machine learning classifiers for awkward posture recognition. However, these wearable sensor-based systems (e.g., surface electromyography) are either intrusive or require attaching multiple sensors on workers' bodies, which may lead to workers' discomfort and systemic instability, thus, limiting their application on construction sites. In addition, machine learning classifiers are limited to human-specific shallow features which influence model performance. To address these limitations, this study proposes a novel approach by using wearable insole pressure system and recurrent neural network (RNN) models, which automate feature extraction and are widely used for sequential data classification. Therefore, the research objective is to automatically recognize and classify different types of awkward working postures in construction by using deep learning-based networks and wearable insole sensor data. The classification performance of three RNN-based deep learning models, namely: (1) long-short term memory (LSTM), (2) bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM), and (3) gated recurrent units (GRU), was evaluated using plantar pressure data captured by a wearable insole system from workers on construction sites. The experimental results show that GRU model outperforms the other RNN-based deep learning models with a high accuracy of 99.01% and F1-score between 93.19% and 99.39%. These results demonstrate that GRU models can be employed to learn sequential plantar pressure patterns captured by a wearable insole system to recognize and classify different types of awkward working postures. The findings of this study contribute to wearable sensor-based posture-related recognition and classification, thus, enhancing construction workers' health and safety.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 15, 2022
Online Publication Date Mar 1, 2022
Publication Date Apr 1, 2022
Deposit Date Jun 8, 2023
Publicly Available Date Mar 2, 2024
Journal Automation in Construction
Print ISSN 0926-5805
Electronic ISSN 1872-7891
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 136
Article Number 104181
Keywords Awkward working postures; Deep learning networks; Wearable insole pressure system; Work-related musculoskeletal disorders; Work-related risk recognition
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Deep learning-based networks for automated recognition and classification of awkward working postures in construction using wearable insole sensor data (1.8 Mb)


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Copyright Statement
This is the authors accepted version of the article 'Antwi-Afari, M. F., Qarout, Y., Herzallah, R., Anwer, S., Umer, W., Zhang, Y., & Manu, P. (2022). Deep learning-based networks for automated recognition and classification of awkward working postures in construction using wearable insole sensor data. Automation in Construction, 136, Article 104181'.


The final published version is available here:

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