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Laudato Si'

Davies, Maxwell

Laudato Si' Thumbnail



Adrian Hull


The need for being mindful of the implications of our actions on our home is something that is being urged with sincerity and care from many corners. The title of my piece is taken from Pope Francis’ recent Encyclical on the matter; it is a title and an association that struck a chord.

The piece is something of a journey through time within its short duration, translating Bristol’s (and, indeed, much of Britain’s, and consequently, the developed world’s) history, present and possible future into sound. All of the material comes from, in some way, the source folk song.

The first and longest section – a Pastorale – depicts a sort of unspoiled nature; gentle rainfall, bubbling water, birdsong, wind and a soaring rhapsodic melody combine to form a soundscape. This then becomes affected by industry and associated pollution; the landscape changes. This in turn becomes cleaner; the focus on manufacturing and heavy industry shifts towards information, digitization, renewable energy sources and so forth, which in turn recombines with a love for the natural world; achieving, eventually, a harmonious co-existence of comfortable modern life, and as much nature as can be preserved...

Commissioned by the University of the West of England as part of the Bristol European Green Capital 2015 Strategic Partnership.

First performed by the UWE Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Adrian Hull, 6th December 2015, Colston Hall, Bristol.

Other Type Composition
Publication Date Dec 6, 2015
Deposit Date Nov 8, 2022
Publicly Available Date Nov 9, 2022
Keywords Composition, Music performance, Orchestra
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