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Outputs (15)

The QAA – Advance HE education for sustainable development guidance. What it is, why it matters and how you can use it to enhance your teaching no matter what your discipline (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This presentation explores the the QAA - Advance HE Education for Sustainable Development guidance , discusses it significance and potential application in HE no matter what the discipline maybe. It concludes with a brief review of how UWE has devel... Read More about The QAA – Advance HE education for sustainable development guidance. What it is, why it matters and how you can use it to enhance your teaching no matter what your discipline.

Supporting the role of universities in leading individual and societal transformation through education for sustainable development (2021)
Journal Article

There is growing recognition of the value of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for all learners, and of the unique role that universities play in the transformation of individuals, institutions and societies towards more sustainable futures... Read More about Supporting the role of universities in leading individual and societal transformation through education for sustainable development.