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Outputs (81)

The development of clinical recommendations to improve experiences of chronic pain after cancer treatment for people living with and beyond cancer (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Title: The development of clinical recommendations to improve experiences of chronic pain after cancer treatment for people living with and beyond cancer
Objectives/purpose: Development of clinical recommendations to improve experiences of chronic... Read More about The development of clinical recommendations to improve experiences of chronic pain after cancer treatment for people living with and beyond cancer.

Sensory training system for use at home by people with complex regional pain syndrome in England: Protocol for a proof-of-concept study (2023)
Journal Article

INTRODUCTION: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a disabling and distressing chronic pain condition characterised by a range of sensory, motor, autonomic and trophic symptoms. UK guidelines recommend therapy interventions to help normalise touc... Read More about Sensory training system for use at home by people with complex regional pain syndrome in England: Protocol for a proof-of-concept study.

The challenges of managing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome throughout the care pathway - reporting therapists' perspectives (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background and Aims
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a severe chronic pain condition which usually occurs following limb trauma[1] and causes significant burden to individuals and society. The UK has a small number of specialist CRPS centres... Read More about The challenges of managing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome throughout the care pathway - reporting therapists' perspectives.

Delphi study to define core clinical outcomes for inclusion in a complex regional pain syndrome international research registry and data bank (2022)
Journal Article

ABSTRACT: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) clinical trials have historically captured a diverse range of outcomes. A minimum set of CRPS patient-reported outcomes has been agreed for inclusion in a future CRPS international clinical research reg... Read More about Delphi study to define core clinical outcomes for inclusion in a complex regional pain syndrome international research registry and data bank.

‘We tend to get pad happy’: A qualitative study of health practitioners’ perspectives on the quality of continence care for older people in hospital (2021)
Journal Article

Bladder and bowel control difficulties affect 20% and 10% of the UK population, respectively, touch all age groups and are particularly prevalent in the older (65+ years) population. However, the quality of continence care is often poor, compromising... Read More about ‘We tend to get pad happy’: A qualitative study of health practitioners’ perspectives on the quality of continence care for older people in hospital.

Florence Nightingale's legacy for clinical academics: A framework analysis of a clinical professorial network and a model for clinical academia (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Clinical academic nursing roles are rare, and clinical academic leadership positions even more scarce. Amongst the United Kingdom (UK) academia, only 3% of nurses who are employed within universities are clinically active. Furthermore, ac... Read More about Florence Nightingale's legacy for clinical academics: A framework analysis of a clinical professorial network and a model for clinical academia.

Visual illusions modulate body perception disturbance and pain in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A randomized trial (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Effective treatment of longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a challenge, as causal mechanisms remain elusive. People with CRPS frequently report distorted subjective perceptions of their affected limb. Evidence of pain re... Read More about Visual illusions modulate body perception disturbance and pain in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A randomized trial.