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The development of clinical recommendations to improve experiences of chronic pain after cancer treatment for people living with and beyond cancer (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Title: The development of clinical recommendations to improve experiences of chronic pain after cancer treatment for people living with and beyond cancer
Objectives/purpose: Development of clinical recommendations to improve experiences of chronic... Read More about The development of clinical recommendations to improve experiences of chronic pain after cancer treatment for people living with and beyond cancer.

Understanding the role of allied health professional support workers with exercise qualifications in the delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan within allied health professional services in England (2023)
Journal Article

Demand modelling for the allied health professionals (AHPs) workforce showed that significant expansion would be needed to successfully deliver on the National Health Service (NHS) Long Term Plan. The aim was to explore the use of AHP support workers... Read More about Understanding the role of allied health professional support workers with exercise qualifications in the delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan within allied health professional services in England.

How do emergency department staff respond to behaviour that challenges displayed by people living with dementia? A mixed-methods study (2023)
Journal Article

Objectives: To investigate staff experiences of, and approaches to behaviour that challenges displayed by patients with dementia in the emergency department (ED). Behaviour that challenges is defined as ‘actions that detract from the well-being of in... Read More about How do emergency department staff respond to behaviour that challenges displayed by people living with dementia? A mixed-methods study.

Factors that influence the administration of tranexamic acid (TXA) to trauma patients in prehospital settings: A systematic review (2023)
Journal Article

Objective: In the UK there are around 5400 deaths annually from injury. Tranexamic acid (TXA) prevents bleeding and has been shown to reduce trauma mortality. However, only 5% of UK major trauma patients who are at risk of haemorrhage receive prehosp... Read More about Factors that influence the administration of tranexamic acid (TXA) to trauma patients in prehospital settings: A systematic review.

Sensory training system for use at home by people with complex regional pain syndrome in England: Protocol for a proof-of-concept study (2023)
Journal Article

INTRODUCTION: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a disabling and distressing chronic pain condition characterised by a range of sensory, motor, autonomic and trophic symptoms. UK guidelines recommend therapy interventions to help normalise touc... Read More about Sensory training system for use at home by people with complex regional pain syndrome in England: Protocol for a proof-of-concept study.

The impact of remote consultations on the health and wellbeing of first contact physiotherapists in primary care: A mixed methods study (2023)
Journal Article

Background: First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) were introduced to reduce demands on GPs by providing improving access to expert musculoskeletal care. FCPs experience similar workplace stressors to GPs and there is an emerging concern that remote c... Read More about The impact of remote consultations on the health and wellbeing of first contact physiotherapists in primary care: A mixed methods study.