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Outputs (143)

Evaluation of artificial neural network algorithms for predicting the effect of the urine flow rate on the power performance of microbial fuel cells (2020)
Journal Article

© 2020 The Authors Microbial fuel cell (MFC) power performance strongly depends on the biofilm growth, which in turn is affected by the feed flow rate. In this work, an artificial neural network (ANN) approach has been used to simulate the effect of... Read More about Evaluation of artificial neural network algorithms for predicting the effect of the urine flow rate on the power performance of microbial fuel cells.

Electroosmotically generated disinfectant from urine as a by-product of electricity in microbial fuel cell for the inactivation of pathogenic species (2020)
Journal Article

This work presents a small scale and low cost ceramic based microbial fuel cell, utilising human urine into electricity, while producing clean catholyte into an initially empty cathode chamber through the process of electro-osmostic drag. It is the f... Read More about Electroosmotically generated disinfectant from urine as a by-product of electricity in microbial fuel cell for the inactivation of pathogenic species.