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Outputs (2058)

Intelligent strategies for the presentation and interpretation of video in intelligent tutoring systems
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Multimedia systems can now have cheap video, and Multimedia Authoring Systems are being used for creating Intelligent 'I'utoring Systems (ITS). Thus interactive film/video is now available as a resource for Us designers.
Film however must be used ca... Read More about Intelligent strategies for the presentation and interpretation of video in intelligent tutoring systems.

danceroom Spectroscopy
Digital Artefact

danceroom Spectrosopy (dS) is an acclaimed interdisciplinary digital arts exhibition and dance performance inspired by the scientific study of microscopic phenomenon. The project has formed a major attraction at premier international cultural setting... Read More about danceroom Spectroscopy.

Semantic representation and enrichment of cultural heritage information for fostering reinterpretation and reflection on the European history
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The modern advances of digital technologies provide a wider access to information, enabling new ways of interacting with and understanding cultural heritage information, facilitating its presentation, access and reinterpretation. The pap... Read More about Semantic representation and enrichment of cultural heritage information for fostering reinterpretation and reflection on the European history.