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Outputs (2058)

A cost optimisation model for maintenance planning in offshore wind farms with wind speed dependent failure rates (2023)
Journal Article

This paper presents an optimisation model for cost optimisation of maintenance at an offshore wind farm (OWF). The model is created for OWF project developers to optimise strategic resources to meet their maintenance demand. The model takes into acco... Read More about A cost optimisation model for maintenance planning in offshore wind farms with wind speed dependent failure rates.

Early intravenous beta-blockade with esmolol in adults with severe traumatic brain injury (EBB-TBI): Protocol for a phase 2a intervention design study (2023)
Journal Article

Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Interventions that mitigate secondary brain injury have the potential to improve outcomes for patients and reduce the impact on communities and society. Increased circulatin... Read More about Early intravenous beta-blockade with esmolol in adults with severe traumatic brain injury (EBB-TBI): Protocol for a phase 2a intervention design study.

Sensory training system for use at home by people with complex regional pain syndrome in England: Protocol for a proof-of-concept study (2023)
Journal Article

INTRODUCTION: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a disabling and distressing chronic pain condition characterised by a range of sensory, motor, autonomic and trophic symptoms. UK guidelines recommend therapy interventions to help normalise touc... Read More about Sensory training system for use at home by people with complex regional pain syndrome in England: Protocol for a proof-of-concept study.

An evaluation into procalcitonin levels in full-term neonates managed for suspected early onset sepsis due to probable maternal intrapartum sepsis (2023)
Journal Article

Purpose: To investigate procalcitonin (PCT) levels in full-term neonates managed for suspected early onset sepsis (EOS) due to probable maternal intrapartum sepsis. Methods: Prospective longitudinal observational study at University Hospitals of Bris... Read More about An evaluation into procalcitonin levels in full-term neonates managed for suspected early onset sepsis due to probable maternal intrapartum sepsis.