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Outputs (40)

Advancing underutilized crops knowledge using SWRL-enabled ontologies - A survey and early experiment (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Due to their powerful knowledge representation formalism and associated inference mechanisms, ontology-based approaches have been increasingly adopted to formally represent domain knowledge. We propose the use of ontologies to advance knowledge-shari... Read More about Advancing underutilized crops knowledge using SWRL-enabled ontologies - A survey and early experiment.

Improving the efficiency of Market Information Analysis Systems using GIS, Polygon and Spatial Databases (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

An organization's future developments are influenced by its managements' decisions. This can only happen by strengthening research and development strategies. Market monitoring and analyzing systems are designed to provide an organized flow of inform... Read More about Improving the efficiency of Market Information Analysis Systems using GIS, Polygon and Spatial Databases.