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Outputs (110)

Understanding the NPD - Production interface: Advanced industrialisation and growth in the composite industry (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper provides an initial attempt to theoretically describe and understand how the composite product supply chain could reach advanced levels of industrialisation. At the heart of this work rest the interface between NPD (New Product Development... Read More about Understanding the NPD - Production interface: Advanced industrialisation and growth in the composite industry.

Integrated suburban neighbourhood adaptation due to climate change: Local stakeholders' views on potential pathways for change (2013)
Journal Article

Purpose: This paper presents new research on the potential pathways for integrated adaptation that could make England's suburbs more resilient to future climate conditions. It focuses on the role of central government, local agencies and householders... Read More about Integrated suburban neighbourhood adaptation due to climate change: Local stakeholders' views on potential pathways for change.

Playful public places for later life: How can neighbourhood public open space provide opportunities for improving older people’s quality of life by enabling play? (2013)

This research explores the qualities of public open spaces that make them suitable or not for enabling play by older people. The potential benefits to older people in terms of quality of life are related to the nature of play by adults, identifying t... Read More about Playful public places for later life: How can neighbourhood public open space provide opportunities for improving older people’s quality of life by enabling play?.

Evaluative application of UKCP09based downscaled future weather years to simulate overheating risk in typical English homes (2013)
Journal Article

To critically compare three future weather year (FWY) downscaling approaches, based on the 2009 UK Climate Projections, used for climate change impact and adaptation analysis in building simulation software. The validity of these FWYs is assessed thr... Read More about Evaluative application of UKCP09based downscaled future weather years to simulate overheating risk in typical English homes.