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Outputs (4)

Towards development of a distributed virtual furniture, fixture and equipment shopping environment (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Purpose: -The dynamic consumer behaviour, as well as the current state of nationwide lock-down and social distancing mandates, has left retail industries like the Furniture Fixture and Equipment (FFE) sector under unprecedented disruption, leaving th... Read More about Towards development of a distributed virtual furniture, fixture and equipment shopping environment.

Disparity in the risk of exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust among non- manual and manual employees in the construction industry (2021)
Journal Article

Construction workers are at increased health risk due to exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) dust. We examined differences in health risk among non-manual and manual employees in the construction industry. The participants were drawn rand... Read More about Disparity in the risk of exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust among non- manual and manual employees in the construction industry.

The effectiveness of interactive virtual reality for furniture, fixture and equipment design communication: an empirical study (2021)
Journal Article

Purpose: This study aims to propose a novel approach to developing an interactive and immersive virtual environment for design communication in the furniture, fixture and equipment (FFE) sector. The study further investigates its effectiveness in enh... Read More about The effectiveness of interactive virtual reality for furniture, fixture and equipment design communication: an empirical study.