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Outputs (17)

The early design stage for building renovation with a novel loop-heat-pipe based solar thermal facade (LHP-STF) heat pump water heating system: Techno-economic analysis in three European climates (2015)
Journal Article

Most of the building renovation plans are usually decided in the early design stage. This delicate phase contains the greatest opportunity to achieve the high energy performance buildings after refurbishment. It is therefore important to provide the... Read More about The early design stage for building renovation with a novel loop-heat-pipe based solar thermal facade (LHP-STF) heat pump water heating system: Techno-economic analysis in three European climates.

Capturing the Realities through Digital Preservation and Scanning Techniques: The case of ZouMaTang Ancient Village, China (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In China, many villages are facing severe decline and deprivation and some are even replaced or reallocated over time. In recent years, the effects from rapid pace of urbanisation on rural areas has been so significant and at such large scale that ru... Read More about Capturing the Realities through Digital Preservation and Scanning Techniques: The case of ZouMaTang Ancient Village, China.

The validation and verification of CFD models of heat transfer and airflow within CPV modules (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Simulation models are used for predicting a photovoltaic concentrator's performance. It is desirable to analyse theoretically any given system as extensively as possible before embarking on expensive construction. Calculation of the flow fields both... Read More about The validation and verification of CFD models of heat transfer and airflow within CPV modules.