Outputs (59)
International law: Military force and armed conflict (2010)
Book Chapter
This chapter is designed to provide an overview of the legal framework applicable to the use of military force and situations of ongoing armed conflict. Since it is a chapter on law, the bulk of it will set out what the law in the context of warfare... Read More about International law: Military force and armed conflict.
Evolving to perfection? Enforcement of international arbitral awards in Vietnam (2010)
Journal Article
Following ‘Doi-moi’, accession to the WTO and liberalisation of foreign investment, the volume of trade and commercial transactions in Vietnam have increased. Arbitration, being the preferred method for dispute resolution in international commercial... Read More about Evolving to perfection? Enforcement of international arbitral awards in Vietnam.
Right to a healthy environment in human rights law (2010)
Book Chapter
The human right to a healthy environment is indispensable for leading a life with human dignity. It is a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights. The fact that the environment and human rights are intrinsically linked, and that environ... Read More about Right to a healthy environment in human rights law.
This book is concerned with the subject of anti-terrorism laws and their impact on the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. In particular, it looks at the compatibility of anti-terrorism laws with international human rights law instruments.
Ove... Read More about Protection seekers, states and the new security agenda: comparison of anti-terrorism legislation in the U.S, UK and Australia.
Discrimination in the armed forces: 10 years on from the abolition of the ban on homosexuals serving in the UK military (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
New Criminal Law Review: Introduction (2010)
Journal Article
Human rights to a clean environment: Procedural rights (2010)
Book Chapter
This chapter aims to provide an overview of the development of procedural environmental rights, and review the current interpretation, approaches and techniques of procedural rights in international and national laws. In the absence of any global fra... Read More about Human rights to a clean environment: Procedural rights.