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To exchange or not to exchange – that is the question. A critical analysis of the use of financial intelligence and the exchange of information in the United Kingdom (2024)
Journal Article

This article examines the international standards relating to information exchange, identifying its importance in relation to combatting financial crime. The paper critiques the results of the Financial Action Task Force’s Fourth United Kingdom Mutu... Read More about To exchange or not to exchange – that is the question. A critical analysis of the use of financial intelligence and the exchange of information in the United Kingdom.

Higher education institutions and the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulations (2023)
Journal Article

To tackle money laundering and terrorism financing, the United Kingdom has implemented global mechanisms introduced by the United Nations and the Financial Action Task Force. These mechanisms viewed financial institutions as gatekeepers to the financ... Read More about Higher education institutions and the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulations.

Fertile or futile grounds for excluding criminal responsibility? A critical analysis of the Ongwen judgment in relation to the claim of coercive environment (2023)
Journal Article

Dominic Ongwen was convicted and sentenced for numerous atrocities by the International Criminal Court (icc) in 2021. The Defence focused on the coercive environment that Ongwen was subjected to from his abduction as a boy until his surrender as an a... Read More about Fertile or futile grounds for excluding criminal responsibility? A critical analysis of the Ongwen judgment in relation to the claim of coercive environment.

Enforcing the legal principle of duty of care in corporate human rights violations and environmental damage cases in developing countries (2023)
Journal Article

Corporate accountability for human rights violations in international legal systems has proven to be a watershed. This is because there are inadequacies in the existing accountability mechanisms as well as several other legal problems and factual obs... Read More about Enforcing the legal principle of duty of care in corporate human rights violations and environmental damage cases in developing countries.