English in education: Special edition (vol. 58, issue 1): Race, language and (in)equality
Journal Article
Outputs (1677)
The Castiglione inscription in the Tower of London (2023)
Journal Article
The Afrikaner rebellion 1914-15: Internal conflict and the counterinsurgency campaign (2023)
Book Chapter
The Afrikaner rebellion of 1914-1915 is an under-studied but significant event in South Africa’s troubled history. At its core was the struggle for the leadership and direction of an increasingly polarised Afrikaner community, elements of which were... Read More about The Afrikaner rebellion 1914-15: Internal conflict and the counterinsurgency campaign.
Augmented reality as a thirdspace: Simultaneous experience of the physical and virtual (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
With the proliferation of devices that display augmented reality (AR), now is the time for scholars and practitioners to evaluate and engage critically with emerging applications of the medium. AR mediates the way users see their bodies, hear their e... Read More about Augmented reality as a thirdspace: Simultaneous experience of the physical and virtual.
What happened to knowledge about language? (2023)
Journal Article
Recently, preparing a report for the Committee for Linguistics in Education, I made a content analysis of the linguistic terms used in the Ofsted (Citation2022) Curriculum Research Review for English. The most surprising result of my analysis was the... Read More about What happened to knowledge about language?.
Voice, Agency and Resistance: Emancipatory Discourses in Action (2023)
Drawing on data from Africa, Latin America, North America, and the Arab Levant, this book demonstrates how members of marginalized (disempowered) groups sculpt a positive image for themselves, engage in solidarity formation for group empowerment, and... Read More about Voice, Agency and Resistance: Emancipatory Discourses in Action.
An etymology for campshed (2023)
Journal Article
The Oxford English Dictionary [OED] defines this word as follows: ‘[a] facing of piles and boarding along the bank of a river, or at the side of an embankment, to protect the bank from the action of the current, or to resist the out-thrust of the emb... Read More about An etymology for campshed.
Broadcasting crown court sentencing - A tentative step forward for open justice? (2023)
Journal Article
Pursuant to the Crown Court (Recording and Broadcasting) Order 2020, television cameras have now been permitted to broadcast sentencing remarks made by Judges in Crown Courts. The first such occasion of this was in the case of R v Ben Oliver (2022).... Read More about Broadcasting crown court sentencing - A tentative step forward for open justice?.
A discourse analytic study of #FixTheCountry on Ghanaian Twitter (2023)
Journal Article
This article analyzes tweets produced during the “fix the country” campaign on Ghanaian Twitter. It illustrates how the affordances of social media can empower campaigners and how linguistic choices, even on digital platforms, can be conditioned by s... Read More about A discourse analytic study of #FixTheCountry on Ghanaian Twitter.
Bad Blood in Georgian Bristol: The Murder of Sir John Dineley (2023)
In 1741, Sir John Dineley, a gentleman with substantial west country land holdings was abducted on the streets of Bristol in broad daylight, rowed down the Avon to the Channel and forced onto a warship captained by his own brother, Samuel Goodere. Th... Read More about Bad Blood in Georgian Bristol: The Murder of Sir John Dineley.