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Outputs (120)

Analysing lexical richness in French learner language: What frequency lists and teacher judgements can tell us about basic and advanced words (2008)
Journal Article

In this paper we study different aspects of lexical richness in narratives of British learners of French. In particular we focus on different ways of measuring lexical sophistication. We compare the power of three different operationalisations of the... Read More about Analysing lexical richness in French learner language: What frequency lists and teacher judgements can tell us about basic and advanced words.

A quest for printed colour - From Hayter to hardcopy (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Artist and researcher Paul Thirkell traces his quest to bring colour to print through 3 decades of artistic currents and trends. The presentation aims to reveal insights into how print based artists think about and engage with colour.

100 years in America Tsamantas (Greece) – Worcester, MA (USA), 1908-2008: Historical determinants and images of the identity and culture of diasporas from Southeastern Europe (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This edited publication is the outcome of the 100 Years in America’ conference, which took place in the Hellenic College in Brookline, Massachusetts, on the 11th of October 2008, and was attended by over 60 participants. The aim of the conference was... Read More about 100 years in America Tsamantas (Greece) – Worcester, MA (USA), 1908-2008: Historical determinants and images of the identity and culture of diasporas from Southeastern Europe.