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When we finish our job, we will cut off our beards: New York Times coverage of Fidel Castro's 1959 U.S. visit (2008)
Journal Article

During a brief historical moment, April 15-26, 1959, Fidel Castro and a delgation of more than fifty industrial and international representatives visited the United States as guests of the American Society of Newspaper Editors. The 32-year-old Cuban... Read More about When we finish our job, we will cut off our beards: New York Times coverage of Fidel Castro's 1959 U.S. visit.

Transgenerational epigenetics, or the spectral history of the flesh. A Merleau-Pontian approach to epigenetics (2008)
Journal Article

Recent advances in the field of genetics, more specifically the substantiation of epigenetic inheritance, have expanded our understanding of genetic transmission. We will try to demonstrate here that a Merleau-Pontian approach to some of these recent... Read More about Transgenerational epigenetics, or the spectral history of the flesh. A Merleau-Pontian approach to epigenetics.