The combination of traditional printing inks and inkjet for increasing colour choices for artists
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Outputs (63)
Sky Orchestra (2006)
Properhood (2006)
Journal Article
A submitted theoretical article, accepted without major revision. The novel ideas presented have emerged from the author's historical studies of proper names conducted over many years. It consists firstly of a forcible restatement of J.S. Mill's view... Read More about Properhood.
Moral and epistemic ambiguity in Oedipus Rex (2006)
Journal Article
William Glock and the British Broadcasting Corporation's music policy, 1954-1973 (2006)
Journal Article
Re-memberings (2006)
Exhibition / Performance
An invited exhibition on the themes of commemoration and transmitted remembrance, held in the galleries of New Zealand House, London.
Lord Robert Cecil and the formation of a Middle East Department of the Foreign Office (2006)
Journal Article
Sitting Room: An Exhibition of Artists’ Books (2006)
Exhibition / Performance
Sitting Room was conceived between curators Tom Sowden and Lucy May Schofield. The show presented artists’ books in a re-created sitting room within gallery spaces, allowing the majority of books to be handled and read by the viewers.
Exhibition... Read More about Sitting Room: An Exhibition of Artists’ Books.
Names (2006)
Book Chapter
Commissioned chapter in one-volume survey of the history of English. This is the first work ever to pull together the history of all major types of namegiving in English. It has an introductory section covering linguistic and philosophical aspects of... Read More about Names.
The use of database techniques for preserving high quality printing skills and processes (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
With the rapid advancement of digital technology, knowledge of many former specialist high quality printing processes used throughout the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries have fallen by the wayside. As a result the details relating to their un... Read More about The use of database techniques for preserving high quality printing skills and processes.