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Outputs (44)

Corporations and commemoration: First world war remembrance, Lloyds TSB and the national memorial arboretum (2004)
Journal Article

This paper explores the role of corporations and financial organisations in maintaining a memory of employees who have served during the wars of the 20th century. Focusing initially on memorial schemes devised by finance houses in the commemorative e... Read More about Corporations and commemoration: First world war remembrance, Lloyds TSB and the national memorial arboretum.

The European Trade Union Confederation at the crossroads of change? Traversing the variable geometry of European trade unionism (2004)
Journal Article

There are growing indications that the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is undergoing a shift in strategic orientation from an exclusive focus on institutional 'social partnership' within the European Union towards a more campaigning 'social... Read More about The European Trade Union Confederation at the crossroads of change? Traversing the variable geometry of European trade unionism.

Inks (2004)

In this book Hoskins identifies and remedies a lack of specialist literature about printmaking inks. This study builds on extended research undertaken between 2001-2004, and examines the production and manufacture of inks for the artist and printmake... Read More about Inks.