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Outputs (30)

Is art making sustainable? (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Using their recent research study on Sustainability in Print Media, John Risseeuw and Stephen Hoskins provided a framework for understanding the basic science of sustainability, relating it to art materials and practice. Risseeuw and Hoskins began wi... Read More about Is art making sustainable?.

Prints that fly (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Prints That Fly: My prints are as much about the craft of making, as they are a gentle delight in challenging the notions of what constitutes a print and where the perceived borders between the fine and applied arts, end and begin.

In the UK there... Read More about Prints that fly.

Beyond digital (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Printmaking with Extreme Technology Panel
Chair: Erik Brunvand
Panelists: Stephen Hoskins, Edward Bateman, Mike Lyon

Printmaking is an art form that celebrates and embraces new technology in a way that other media do not. This panel gathers an... Read More about Beyond digital.

Development of a conservation and restoration plan and records management system for the Lands and Survey Division, 2007-2008 (2008)

Consultancy Field Visit and Report of Recommendations. Developing a conservation and documentation plan for the extensive records held within Lands and Survey Division of the Trinidad and Tobago Govt. and which are currently at risk of damage due to... Read More about Development of a conservation and restoration plan and records management system for the Lands and Survey Division, 2007-2008.