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Outputs (13)

A Companion to Film Noir (2013)

This edited collection contains 29 essays specially commissioned for this volume by leading scholars in the field. The volume is organised into 7 parts. Part 1, 'Conceptualising Film Noir', contains four essays that explore the ways in which this cat... Read More about A Companion to Film Noir.

Interview: Allan Cubitt (2009)
Journal Article

Allan Cubitt is an important contemporary writer who has worked in fringe theatre, television and film. The interview was the first critical profile he has received and thus an original contribution to the history of screenwriting and British cinema.... Read More about Interview: Allan Cubitt.

The precariousness of production: Michael Klinger and the role of the film producer in the British film industry during the 1970's (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Michael Klinger was the most successful independent producer working in the British film industry during the 1960s and 1970s. However, there has been no critical account of his work and he is barely mentioned, if at all, in standard histories of Brit... Read More about The precariousness of production: Michael Klinger and the role of the film producer in the British film industry during the 1970's.