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Outputs (5)

How do we get the public into public health research? Learnings and key recommendations from initiating a community involvement project scheme (2024)
Journal Article

Introduction: There are many recognised benefits of public involvement, including more relevant research. The COVID‐19 pandemic highlighted the existing health inequalities and disparities in access to care and treatment for under‐served groups, nece... Read More about How do we get the public into public health research? Learnings and key recommendations from initiating a community involvement project scheme.

Correction to: World Cafés as a participatory approach to understanding research agendas in primary care with underserved communities: Reflections, challenges and lessons learned (2024)
Journal Article

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported errors in the Funding section. The Wellcome funder grant number 204813/Z/16/Z was missing. The complete Funding section has been indicated hereafter. The incorrect Funding sectio... Read More about Correction to: World Cafés as a participatory approach to understanding research agendas in primary care with underserved communities: Reflections, challenges and lessons learned.

Reflections from the ‘Hold the door open’ project: Inviting older adults across the UK to shape dissemination of health research findings (2023)
Journal Article

Background: This project sought to expand patient and public involvement (PPI) practices to the development of research finding dissemination with people aged 55+ years. The project is innovative due to its UK-wide approach and use of PPI to plan bet... Read More about Reflections from the ‘Hold the door open’ project: Inviting older adults across the UK to shape dissemination of health research findings.

Working with public contributors in Parkinson's research: What were the changes, benefits and learnings? A critical reflection from the researcher and public contributor perspective (2023)
Journal Article

Introduction: This paper provides a critical reflection from both the researcher and public contributor (PC) perspective on the benefits and the learnings taken from involving PCs in research related to Parkinson's. Approach toPatient and Public Invo... Read More about Working with public contributors in Parkinson's research: What were the changes, benefits and learnings? A critical reflection from the researcher and public contributor perspective.

World Cafés as a participatory approach to understanding research agendas in primary care with underserved communities: Reflections, challenges and lessons learned (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Certain communities are underserved by research, resulting in lower inclusion rates, under researched health issues and a lack of attention to how different communities respond to health interventions. Minoritised ethnic groups are often... Read More about World Cafés as a participatory approach to understanding research agendas in primary care with underserved communities: Reflections, challenges and lessons learned.