The study of human erythropoiesis in health and disease requires a robust culture system that consistently and reliably generates large numbers of immature erythroblasts that can be induced to differentiate synchronously. We describe a culture method... Read More about The majority of the in vitro erythroid expansion potential resides in CD34- cells, outweighing the contribution of CD34+ cells and significantly increasing the erythroblast yield from peripheral blood samples.
Outputs (4)
Investigating the key membrane protein changes during in vitro erythropoiesis of protein 4.2 (-) cells (mutations Chartres 1 and 2) (2010)
Journal Article
Background Protein 4.2 deficiency caused by mutations in the EPB42 gene results in hereditary spherocytosis with characteristic alterations of CD47, CD44 and RhAG. We decided to investigate at which stage of erythropoiesis these hallmarks of protein... Read More about Investigating the key membrane protein changes during in vitro erythropoiesis of protein 4.2 (-) cells (mutations Chartres 1 and 2).
Band 3 multiprotein complexes in the red cell membrane; of mice and men (2010)
Journal Article
The bicarbonate/chloride exchanger band 3 (Anion Exchanger 1, AE1) is the most abundant protein in the erythrocyte membrane, it has an important role in gas exchange and functions as a point of attachment for the cytoskeletons maintaining the mechani... Read More about Band 3 multiprotein complexes in the red cell membrane; of mice and men.
Anion exchanger 1 interacts with nephrin in podocytes (2010)
Journal Article
The central role of the multifunctional protein nephrin within the macromolecular complex forming the glomerular slit diaphragm is well established, but the mechanisms linking the slit diaphragm to the cytoskeleton and to the signaling pathways invol... Read More about Anion exchanger 1 interacts with nephrin in podocytes.