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Outputs (143)

High street diversification in precarious times: Exploring arts-and-sustainability-focused meanwhile project (Sparks) in Bristol City Centre (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This research explores the potential and challenges of temporary use of vacant buildings as an effective strategy for high street premises in the city centres in the Southwest, UK. The potential of introducing new scenarios and reimagination of high... Read More about High street diversification in precarious times: Exploring arts-and-sustainability-focused meanwhile project (Sparks) in Bristol City Centre.

Household water insecurity in a changing climate: The interplay between distance to water, income, caste and gender in rural Rajasthan, India (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Climate change is expected to have a profound impact on Rajasthan’s water resources and consequently on household water security. This study investigates the relationship between socio-economic structures (household income, caste and gender), physica... Read More about Household water insecurity in a changing climate: The interplay between distance to water, income, caste and gender in rural Rajasthan, India.

Exploring relationships between GBGI exposure and health and social outcomes in Bristol, UK (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Mental health, particularly for urban populations, is a growing public health concern. Understanding how people relate to and feel a sense of belonging in the urban environment is therefore an important research agenda. There is growing evidence abou... Read More about Exploring relationships between GBGI exposure and health and social outcomes in Bristol, UK.

WIDE LOAD A House Moved (The Move: Teg to Degernäs, 10 Km) EXHIBITION 'CASA COLECTIVA' (COLLECTIVE HOUSE) (2023)
Exhibition / Performance

Photography exhibition, with the theme COLLECTIVE HOUSE, included in the programming of the Arroios Photography Festival (from August 30th to September 15th) and in the Algarve Photography Festival (from October 21st to November 25th)
The image is... Read More about WIDE LOAD A House Moved (The Move: Teg to Degernäs, 10 Km) EXHIBITION 'CASA COLECTIVA' (COLLECTIVE HOUSE).

Hourly temperature and precipitation time series characteristics in São Paulo with urban land use type of convection-permitting model (CPM) outputs (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The influences of regional atmospheric drivers on the joint distribution of temperature and precipitation from a Convection-Permitting Model (CPM) over São Paulo are explored. Time series of temperature and precipitation are extracted from urban land... Read More about Hourly temperature and precipitation time series characteristics in São Paulo with urban land use type of convection-permitting model (CPM) outputs.