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Outputs (24)

Sub-national transport bodies: Evaluation of initiatives to support local authority capacity and capability (2024)

During 2021/22 the Department for Transport (DfT) made additional funding available to Sub-national Transport Bodies (STBs). The funding was to enable STBs to support their local authorities (LAs) in delivering transport policies in four priority are... Read More about Sub-national transport bodies: Evaluation of initiatives to support local authority capacity and capability.

Viable business or vital environment? Deconstructing the sustainability concept in future mobility entrepreneurship (2024)
Book Chapter

Rapid technological change in the transport sector is leading to a growing range of potential and actual ‘business models’ deployable for the movement of goods and people. Two key uncertainties arise from this proliferation: first, concerning which o... Read More about Viable business or vital environment? Deconstructing the sustainability concept in future mobility entrepreneurship.

Understanding industry perceptions and experiences of seventeen of the measures to reduce the HGV driver shortage (2024)

In response to an acute shortage of Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) drivers, the UK Government introduced 33 measures to support the road haulage sector. The measures addressed supply chain efficiency, driver training, capacity of testing and licencing pro... Read More about Understanding industry perceptions and experiences of seventeen of the measures to reduce the HGV driver shortage.

Perceived accessibility of employment sites by jobseekers and the potential relevance of employer-subsidised demand responsive transport to enhance the commute (2022)
Journal Article

The constraints placed by the transport options available to job-seekers are key factors for the accessibility of employment locations and therefore social inclusion. The present paper investigates the importance of these constraints and the potentia... Read More about Perceived accessibility of employment sites by jobseekers and the potential relevance of employer-subsidised demand responsive transport to enhance the commute.

Exploring the use and perception of shared bikes for commuting and business travel on the urban fringe (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Globally, bike-share schemes are in a state of flux; 1,977 public schemes are currently operating but another 835 have closed (Meddin et al., 2021), as new ‘fifth generation’ schemes (typically dockless) compete with each other and squeeze the more m... Read More about Exploring the use and perception of shared bikes for commuting and business travel on the urban fringe.

Electric Mobility (2021)
Book Chapter

The article begins in questioning whether the electric mobility (EM) revolution amounts to a “sociotechnical transition” or merely a technological substitution. It reviews the origins of transport sector electrification in the 19th century, identifyi... Read More about Electric Mobility.