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Outputs (125)

Preventing financial ruin: How the West India trade fostered creativity in crisis lending by the Bank of England (2025)
Journal Article

This paper contributes to the understanding of the complex relationship between British economic performance during the Napoleonic wars and the ‘West Indies’, as the Caribbean slave colonies were called. Not only did profits from slave‐based commerce... Read More about Preventing financial ruin: How the West India trade fostered creativity in crisis lending by the Bank of England.

Does nature finance pose macroeconomic risks? Analysis using a stock-flow consistent model with land (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

States, international organisations, financial institutions and businesses are increasingly seeking to mobilise large financial flows to fund ecosystem restoration. This paper asks what these new financial flows mean for the macroeconomy, and how mac... Read More about Does nature finance pose macroeconomic risks? Analysis using a stock-flow consistent model with land.

Open systems (2024)
Book Chapter

This is a chapter on "Open Systems" for the Encyclopedia of Evolutionary and Institutional Economics. It describes the history and applications of this concept within economics discourse. The main focus is on the contributions by Kenneth Boulding and... Read More about Open systems.

On the economics of cross-border reparation payments: The case for a bank of international reparations (2024)
Journal Article

This essay considers the challenge of ensuring that international reparation payments are effective in benefiting the recipient countries of the reparations. In order to ensure that these financial flows provide long-term benefit to the recipient eco... Read More about On the economics of cross-border reparation payments: The case for a bank of international reparations.

Karl Polanyi’'s and K. William Kapp’'s arguments on social costs: Is there a common “revolutionary” raison d’'être? (2024)
Journal Article

This article examines Karl Polanyi's and K. William Kapp's social cost proposals to test their suitability for a “revolutionary” Social Ecological Economics that radically breaks with neoclassical and neoliberal paradigms. Whilst some coherence is re... Read More about Karl Polanyi’'s and K. William Kapp’'s arguments on social costs: Is there a common “revolutionary” raison d’'être?.