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Outputs (339)

Delivering citizen science online and hybrid: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on recruitment and engagement (2024)
Journal Article

This small-scale study explores the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on running and delivering a large-scale, international participatory citizen science project. In doing so, it seeks to identify the challenges posed by the pandemic for the research... Read More about Delivering citizen science online and hybrid: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on recruitment and engagement.

Citizen-led emissions reduction: Enhancing enjoyment and understanding for diverse citizen engagement with air pollution and climate change decision making (2024)
Journal Article

Diverse citizens need to be involved in net zero transitions to ensure policy interventions do not entrench inequalities for people from minoritised or disenfranchised groups and ensure public engagement with rapid social changes. This paper illustra... Read More about Citizen-led emissions reduction: Enhancing enjoyment and understanding for diverse citizen engagement with air pollution and climate change decision making.

Reflecting on deepening participation in recruitment and evaluation in citizen science - lessons from the WeCount project (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper shares learnings from the evaluation of the WeCount urban mobility citizen science project, in which citizens participated in several ways, from technical development to engagement and evaluation. Drawing on asset-based community developme... Read More about Reflecting on deepening participation in recruitment and evaluation in citizen science - lessons from the WeCount project.

Citizen-led emission reductions: Behaviour change intention is positively correlated to citizen enjoyment and learning in public engagement activities (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Science communicators need to co-create engagement activities which are enjoyable, inclusive, and attractive to diverse citizens representing regional demographics. Over 8,300 people from six European countries took part in the ClairCity project, aim... Read More about Citizen-led emission reductions: Behaviour change intention is positively correlated to citizen enjoyment and learning in public engagement activities.