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Outputs (16)

Exploring the use of an entertainment device in a time of trauma. A longitudinal approach to communicating the story of an Emperor in exile and the role of material culture in everyday life (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This talk will explore a long-running project that has evolved slowly, revealing different stages of how the project will be revealed over a long period of time. The Emperor in question is Haile Selassie I, and the material culture in question is a p... Read More about Exploring the use of an entertainment device in a time of trauma. A longitudinal approach to communicating the story of an Emperor in exile and the role of material culture in everyday life.

The spatial imaginaries of creative clusters: Examining the role of R&D programmes in creative placemaking (2024)
Journal Article

Creative clusters – geographic concentrations of creative industries sector activity, its skilled individuals, organisations and institutions – have attracted significant investment globally, becoming an important driver of economic growth. In this p... Read More about The spatial imaginaries of creative clusters: Examining the role of R&D programmes in creative placemaking.

The ballad of the bots: Sonification using cognitive metaphor to support immersed teleoperation of robot teams (2024)
Journal Article

As an embodied and spatial medium, virtual reality is proving an attractive proposition for robot teleoperation in hazardous environments. This paper examines a nuclear decommissioning scenario in which a simulated team of semi-autonomous robots are... Read More about The ballad of the bots: Sonification using cognitive metaphor to support immersed teleoperation of robot teams.

There’s more to life than the monomyth: multiperspectival approaches to teaching narrative and story in university film and media departments (2024)
Journal Article

This article critiques the ongoing dominance of the Hollywood monomyth in the film and television industry, at least in the UK if not more widely. It considers how this is impacting on the teaching of narrative and story in university film and media... Read More about There’s more to life than the monomyth: multiperspectival approaches to teaching narrative and story in university film and media departments.