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Outputs (18)

Grounding Technologies: The creative use of mundane and emerging technologies for place-based, just climate action (2023)

Putting people and place at the heart of our work, Grounding Technologies explores how everyday, emergent and mundane technologies can support community-centred climate action.

Such ambitions were achieved through a programme of public calls that... Read More about Grounding Technologies: The creative use of mundane and emerging technologies for place-based, just climate action.

Can you hear me now (2021)

Sound is one of the most evocative storytelling devices we have. Never more so than in immersive storytelling, where sound plays so many key roles in the construction of narrative, the creation of presence, the development of an emotional landscape a... Read More about Can you hear me now.

REACT report 2012-2016 (2016)

The REACT Report distils our learning from the past four years, and celebrates the great potential of collaboration between universities and the creative sector. It offers valuable insight to policymakers, stakeholders in the arts, Higher Education... Read More about REACT report 2012-2016.