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Outputs (11)

Supporting families to adjust following a dementia diagnosis: Adapting the LivDem intervention (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

“Everyone says that thinking about death is unthinkable. But I think dementia is a bit unthinkable too. How can you think about losing your mind?”​

A reflexive thematic analysis of adapting the LivDem model of talking about dementia for couples a... Read More about Supporting families to adjust following a dementia diagnosis: Adapting the LivDem intervention.

Acceptability of memory-aid technological devices for community-dwelling older adults with dementia to maintain quality of life (2023)

The rising prevalence of dementia cases due to ageing population presents a global challenge. Despite different types of memory aid devices available, evidence reveal that it is not widely accepted (Thordardottir et al., 2019). The current study aime... Read More about Acceptability of memory-aid technological devices for community-dwelling older adults with dementia to maintain quality of life.

Using assimilation to track changes in talk during a Living Well with Dementia (LivDem) group (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background. Whilst good dementia care is typically thought of as a person-centred process, psychotherapy generally plays little role in this. One reason for this is that there are relatively few psychologists, therapists and counsellors working in de... Read More about Using assimilation to track changes in talk during a Living Well with Dementia (LivDem) group.

Metabolic reprogramming and the role of the BCAT protein - implications for type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease (2023)

Introduction: Oxidative stress and impaired homeostasis are key features of type 2 diabetes mellitus, which is comorbid with Alzheimer’s disease. Dysregulation of the branched-chain aminotransferase protein, which is overexpressed in AD, is suggested... Read More about Metabolic reprogramming and the role of the BCAT protein - implications for type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.