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Outputs (14)

Are the impacts of wind energy reversible? Critically reviewing the research literature, the governance challenges and presenting an agenda for social science (2021)
Journal Article

The extent to which the impacts of renewable energy development might be reversible is an important dimension of debates about environmental acceptability, magnified in significance by the sector's rapid expansion and the inexorable ageing of facilit... Read More about Are the impacts of wind energy reversible? Critically reviewing the research literature, the governance challenges and presenting an agenda for social science.

Design optimization of grid-connected PV-Hydrogen for energy prosumers considering sector-coupling paradigm: Case study of a university building in Algeria (2020)
Journal Article

Integrating sector coupling technologies into Hydrogen (H2) based hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) is becoming a promising way to create energy prosumers, despite the very little research work being done in this largely unexplored field. In thi... Read More about Design optimization of grid-connected PV-Hydrogen for energy prosumers considering sector-coupling paradigm: Case study of a university building in Algeria.

Electroosmotically generated disinfectant from urine as a by-product of electricity in microbial fuel cell for the inactivation of pathogenic species (2020)
Journal Article

This work presents a small scale and low cost ceramic based microbial fuel cell, utilising human urine into electricity, while producing clean catholyte into an initially empty cathode chamber through the process of electro-osmostic drag. It is the f... Read More about Electroosmotically generated disinfectant from urine as a by-product of electricity in microbial fuel cell for the inactivation of pathogenic species.

Development of efficient electroactive biofilm in urine-fed microbial fuel cell cascades for bioelectricity generation (2020)
Journal Article

The Microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology harnesses the potential of some naturally occurring bacteria for electricity generation. Digested sludge is commonly used as the inoculum to initiate the process. There are, however, health hazards and practic... Read More about Development of efficient electroactive biofilm in urine-fed microbial fuel cell cascades for bioelectricity generation.

Long Term Feasibility Study of In-field Floating Microbial Fuel Cells for Monitoring Anoxic Wastewater and Energy Harvesting (2019)
Journal Article

© Copyright © 2019 Cristiani, Gajda, Greenman, Pizza, Bonelli and Ieropoulos. In the present work different prototypes of floating MFCs have been tested in anoxic water environments of wastewater plants in Italy, over a period of 3 years. Several con... Read More about Long Term Feasibility Study of In-field Floating Microbial Fuel Cells for Monitoring Anoxic Wastewater and Energy Harvesting.