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Scaling up evidence-based body-image interventions for adolescents: Studies from the UK, India, and Indonesia (2022)

The field of adolescent body image research is well established and has been burgeoning since the mid-1990s. Body image concerns are prevalent among adolescents globally, and the extensive psychological and physical health consequences are widely rec... Read More about Scaling up evidence-based body-image interventions for adolescents: Studies from the UK, India, and Indonesia.

‘Dove Confident Me Indonesia: Single Session’: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial to evaluate a school-based body image intervention among Indonesian adolescents (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Due to the prevalence and associated adverse health consequences of negative body image among adolescents globally, there is a need to develop acceptable, effective, and scalable interventions. School-based body image interventions delive... Read More about ‘Dove Confident Me Indonesia: Single Session’: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial to evaluate a school-based body image intervention among Indonesian adolescents.